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From Indie games to the newest retail releases, and everything in between, Signed In offers their independent perspectives on the latest and greatest (and sometimes not-so-greatest) in the world of gaming! Use the below links to connect with us online!

May 21, 2017

Jeremy starts off the show with a bit about Prey, Craig dives into SOMA, Jeremy and Sean both fit in some Lego Dimensions, Craig checks out the point and click adventure Kathy Rain, and Jeremy targets limbs with The Surge.

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May 7, 2017

Craig starts off with a quick look at The Great Whale Road, Jeremy "plays" the full FMV offering Late Shift, Craig digs deep with Freedom Force, Sean plays more Lego Dimensions, Craig explores in The Signal From Tolva, Sean and Jeremy both start in on Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, and Craig has a ton of...