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From Indie games to the newest retail releases, and everything in between, Signed In offers their independent perspectives on the latest and greatest (and sometimes not-so-greatest) in the world of gaming! Use the below links to connect with us online!

Dec 15, 2008

Jeremy (Superfro33) and Craig (prof dresser) take an in depth look at the new Prince of Persia reboot, discuss the aggression relieving world of the XBLA game A Kingdom for Keflings, and Jeremy gives some (arguably) informed opinions on Mortal Kombat Vs. DC and Destroy All Humans!: Path of the Furon.  A new contest is...

Dec 1, 2008

Jeremy (Superfro33) and Craig (prof dresser) discuss a feast of games in this oversized episode featuring talk of forthcoming Fallout 3 DLC and some Level 20 updates, the new Xbox experience overhaul, Mirror's Edge, Call of Duty: World at War, and Left 4 Dead.  Craig even finds time to dish on the Banjo Kazooie: Nuts...

Nov 17, 2008

Jeremy (Superfro33) and Craig (prof dresser) have another special guest this week, Sean (seanyxxx) whose been brought in since Craig has nothing to say about Gears of War 2, whereas Sean has lots. Jeremy also asks Sean about Hellboy: The Science of Evil.

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Music: "Cherryblossom" by...

Nov 11, 2008

In this spoiler filled special episode Jeremy (Superfro33) and Craig (prof dresser) delve into all things Dead Space.

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Music: "Cherryblossom" by Raptorface

Nov 3, 2008

After some general news items, Jeremy (Superfro33) and Craig (prof dresser) talk about the hedonistic Fable 2, compare and contrast Guitar Hero: World Tour with the competition, and discuss the post-apocalyptic emersion that is Fallout 3.

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Music: "Cherryblossom" by...