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From Indie games to the newest retail releases, and everything in between, Signed In offers their independent perspectives on the latest and greatest (and sometimes not-so-greatest) in the world of gaming! Use the below links to connect with us online!

Aug 30, 2015

PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately we got hit with some static interference during this episode that wasn't apparent until we finished up. Rather than throw out the episode, we cleaned it up a bit and hopefully made it at least listenable at a lower volume. Well, as much as it ever is anyway. Sorry!

We start the show with some...

Aug 16, 2015

Sean stars the show with his contest winner announcement and his latest exploits in GTA V, Craig pushes forward in Guild of Dungeoneering, Jeremy samples a ton of games with Rare Replay, and Sean flops around in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. Craig drives around in Night Shift, Jeremy and Sean go back into...

Aug 2, 2015

Sean starts the show with a contest announcement, Jeremy has some final thoughts on Batman: Arkham Knight, Craig gives all the details on Guild Of Dungeoneering, and Sean has some more multiplayer fun in GTA V. Jeremy and Craig both finish up Her Story, Craig tries to make everybody happy in Kitty Powers' Matchmaker,...