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From Indie games to the newest retail releases, and everything in between, Signed In offers their independent perspectives on the latest and greatest (and sometimes not-so-greatest) in the world of gaming! Use the below links to connect with us online!

Dec 21, 2009

Join the gang for the final Signed In of 2009 as they discuss what they've been playing the last couple of weeks as well as their picks for the best of the past year in Xbox 360 gaming!  Craig and Sean represent the Indie Games discussion with Party Boat, Rate My Avatar, Homerun Challenge, Snowball Fight, Boarder Wars,...

Dec 6, 2009

The winners of the Signed In holiday contest are announced!  Then it's on to a gauntlet of game talk starting with the Indie games Christmas Tree, Gravity, Balloon Blocks, and Solar.  On the XBLA front, Craig offers some more thoughts on Gyromancer, everybody gets pulled back into Peggle with Peggle Nights, and Sean...

Nov 22, 2009

Craig offers his thoughts on the dashboard update that went live to all users last week.  Sean checked out the Indie Game Jumper Robot, Jeremy bought Peggle Nights, NBA Unrivaled makes Sean pine for games from 20 years ago, and Craig gives his impressions of the brand spankin' new Gyromancer.  Jeremy kicks off the...

Nov 9, 2009

The show starts with impressions of a handful of Indie Games including Beat Hazard, Amniotic, and Arkedo Series 02 - SWAP!  The gang then gives their thoughts on the Left 4 Dead 2 demo, Sean shares a few brief thoughts on GTA's Ballad of Gay Tony DLC, Craig and Jeremy offer updates on their Borderlands alter egos, Sean...

Oct 26, 2009

Jeremy and Sean open the show by sharing their thoughts on the new Xbox dashboard update.  Sean then kicks off the game talk with the recent Indie Games releases Pumpkin Carver and Dark; Craig checked out the XBLA offerings Axel & Pixel and Tower Bloxx Deluxe; Jeremy played Guitar Hero: Van Halen for some reason, Sean...