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From Indie games to the newest retail releases, and everything in between, Signed In offers their independent perspectives on the latest and greatest (and sometimes not-so-greatest) in the world of gaming! Use the below links to connect with us online!

Apr 30, 2012

Sean is the sole representation for Indie Games this episode with Drive Fast Think Faster, Unnecessary Violence, and Insane Zombie Carnage.  The gang shares some additional thoughts on World Gone Sour, Anomaly Warzone Earth, and FEZ, the purpose of the Bloodforge demo is debated, Jeremy gives Trials Evolution a...

Apr 16, 2012

Worry no longer folks, the gang's all here! The show opens with a bunch of Indy games including WoOOPuP!, Little Racers Street, Mega City, Septipus: Tentacle Apocalypse, and Quiet, Please!.  Craig goes to hell with Diabolical Pitch, Jeremy and Craig get back to the basics with Pinball Arcade, Sean and Craig get beat up...

Apr 1, 2012

Signed In evolves in a new direction.  Join us for the ride!

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