Sep 22, 2013
The show starts with a couple recent XBLIG offerings including 一>◇ and Power-Up. Everyone takes a look a the updated DuckTales: Remastered, the side scrolling brawler Foul Play impresses, Craig lays out all the details on Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death, and Sean touches back on TMNT:OOTS and Magic 2013. Jeremy...
Sep 8, 2013
A jam packed show starts with the Indie Games Hurdle Turtle: Celebrations! and Retro Racer Combat. Jeremy revisits Flashback in full, Sean dives into TMNT: OOTS, the revamped platformer Castle Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse takes a few missteps, and Sean checks out the free offering of WSOP: Full House Pro. On the...