Sep 29, 2014
Sean and Jeremy offer some additional thoughts on Destiny, Craig fights his way through Fenix Rage, Jeremy wears himself out with D4, and Craig plays God in Reprisal Universe. Jeremy took a quick look at both Kickbeat Special Edition and CastleStorm - Definitive Edition for Xbox One, Craig handles his weapon in...
Sep 14, 2014
Sean starts off with a look at Monaco, Jeremy gives an update on Diablo III: The Ultimate Evil Edition, Craig checks out the XBLIG Delta, and Sean brings another Indie Game to the table with Super MechaMan. Jeremy starts fights in NHL 15, Craig breaks bones and high scores with OlliOlli, whips horses into a frenzy...
Sep 1, 2014
Sean and Jeremy give the new Pinball FX2 The Walking Dead a run through, Craig goes back a few years with Rochard, Sean has a Rockstar two-fer with a GTA V online update and goes back to school with Bully. Craig puzzles through Vessel, The Walking Dead Season 2 finishes up and the talk gets a whole lot spoilery (note...